Cohort Descriptives

Variable Response
Cohort Name The PREVENT Research Programme
Cohort Acronym PREVENT
DOI Ritchie, C. (2017). PREVENT [Data set]. Dementias Platform UK.
Study Overview The PREVENT Research Programme has established a cohort of individuals to explore differences in the brain and cognitive function in healthy people in mid-life (aged 40-59). People are grouped into high, mid and low risk based on their family history and APOE status (a well-known risk gene for Alzheimer’s disease). Participants are assessed on biological indicators including markers in blood, saliva, urine and spinal fluid as well as direct imaging of the brain's structure and function. Changes in all of these markers will be monitored at 2 years to work out if risks that predict these changes. One of the main aims of the study is to identify the earliest signs of changes in the brain whilst people are still in good health.
#Subjects at Baseline 210 enrolled (target 750 across London and expansion sites in Edinburgh, Cambridge and Oxford).
Institution Name West London Mental Health Trust, Imperial College London and University of Edinburgh
Department Name West London Cognitive Disorders Treatment and Research Unit
City London
Study/Database Website

Principal Investigator (PI) Prof Craig Ritchie
Key Study References

Please see Literature section

Population Based Study? Yes
Family Based Study? No
Clinical based sample? No
Is there follow-up data available? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of dementia (may refer to controls only)? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of MCI (may refer to controls only)? Yes
How is data collected? In person
Who carries out data collection? Interviewers
Does this take place in participants' homes or at a central location? Central
Do participants take part individually or are families/partners involved? Individually
Dementia cases ascertained as part of study: Yes
Diagnosis based on review of existing clinical data No
Was diagnosis/primary outcomes made blind to exposure variables? Yes
How many times followed up? 1
How regular is follow-up? Every 2-3 years: Initially there will be a two year follow-up visit from baseline and the future aim is for participants to be followed up every 5 years. Less often
Study start date 28/02/2014 00:00:00
Study end date 31/12/2017 00:00:00
Is study ongoing? Yes
Is study still recruiting? Yes
Inclusion criteria Age range 40-59. Participants are stratified by APOE genotype, but only after they have completed the visit. High risk group: Apoe e4 allelic positive status Parent with dementia: Middle risk group: Parent with dementia OR Apoe 4 Apoe e3 homozygous : Low risk group: Apoe 2 no parent with dementia
Exclusion criteria Does not have dementia. No metal contraindications or issues that would prevent having an MR scan, eg claustrophobia. Haven't already had APOE genetic testing (for sake of blinding) before entering the study.


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Study ID Y
Age Y
Sex Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Age Y
Age at last follow-up Y
Sex Y
Years of Education Y
Level of Education Y
Employment Status Y
Socioeconomic status measures Y

Physical Health Status

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Cardiovascular disease data (Self-reported in medical history) Y
Myocardial infarction (Self-reported in medical history) Y
Medication use for CVD (Self-reported in medical history) Y
Hypertension Y
Systolic/diastolic BP Y
Hypotension Y
Hypercholesterolemia Y
Virus testing (Self-reported in medical history) Y
Cancer Y
Diabetic Status Y
Stroke data Y
Stroke type Y
Transient Ischemic Attack Y
Head trauma data Y
Loss of consciousness Y
Sports: Soccer and Boxing Y
Head trauma severity Y
BISQ or equivalent Y
Intra-cranial hemorrhage Y

Healthcare Utilisation

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Medication use Y
Hospital utilisation Y

Life Functionality

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Lawton IADL (Repeated collection) Y

Psychological Status

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale Y
Resilience evaluation Y
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaire Y

Mental Health Status

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Speilberger State Anxiety Scale Y
Life Stressor Checklist Revised Y
Lifetime of Experiences Scale Y
CESD scale (depression) Y
Apathy evaluation Y
Anxiety measure Y

Cognitive Status

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Subjective complaint (memory problems) Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Smoking Y
Pack years Y
Current smoking Y
Former smoking Y
Alcohol Y
Units per day/week vs weekend Y
Specified beverage type (wine, spirits, beers) Y
Abstainers/former users Y
Binge drinking Y
Drugs of abuse assessment (Self-reported in medical history) Y
Physical activity and exercise Y
Type of exercise: heavy, light (Self-reported) Y
Exercise duration (Self-reported) Y
Diet: Carbs, protein, fats, fish oil Y
Anti-oxidants Y
Vegetarian? Y
Shortage of food Y
Coffee and Caffeine Y
Vitamin A,B,E Y
Fat intake MUFA,PUFA Y
Food questionnaire Y

Physical Environment

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Living situation Y

Physical Examination

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Blood pressure Y
Weight Y
Height Y
Neurological examination Y
Extrapyramidal symptoms Y
Heart Rate Y
Anthropometry Y
Cardiovascular examination (ECG) Y
Respiratory examination Y
Spirometry Y
Gait assessment Y
Opthalmic examination Y
Acuity Y
Visual fields (direct/indirect) Y
Colour vision Y
Nerve conduction Y
Body temperature Y
Pregnancy and menstruation scale Y
Hip/waist circumference Y
Blood lipids Y
Metabolic syndrome (Self-reported from medical history) Y

Biosample Assays

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Plasma Y
Serum Y
Urine collection Y
Saliva collected (Repeated collection) Y
CSF collected (subgroup) Y

Digital Phenotyping

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Visual memory Y
Verbal memory Y
Visuospatial Function Y
Attention Y
Reaction time Y
Associative Learning Y
Language Y
Working memory Y
Latent memory Y
IQ data Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Structural T1 Y
f-MRI (rest) Y
Diffusion imaging (DTI/DWI) Y
Fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
APOE gene screening Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
CRP (c-reactive protein) Y
eGFR (estimated Glomular Filtration Rate) Y
Glucose Y
Lipids Y
Liver Function Tests Y
Serum creatinine Y
Folate Y