Cohort Descriptives

Variable Response
Cohort Name PRIME (etude PRospective sur l'Infarctus du MyocardE)
Cohort Acronym PRIME
DOI Linden, G. (2017). PRIME [Data set]. Dementias Platform UK.
Study Overview The PRIME study was set up in 1991 as a prospective population-based study of risk factors which are associated with coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular disease such as stroke in middle aged men from Northern Ireland. In 2014 the PRIME study was awarded a grant by the British Heart Foundation to allow it to continue and complete the 10 year follow-up to identify whether periodontal (gum) disease at baseline was associated with new (incident) coronary heart disease events. The Cognitive Follow-Up Study began 2016 and involves an ACE-R cognitive test, a small blood sample, height, weight, waist and upper arm circumference measurements, handgrip strength and questionnaires about diet, overall health and dental health. Cognition was assessed once previously by an MMSE completed at a re-screening completed between 2001-2004. "
#Subjects at Baseline 2745
Institution Name Queen's University Belfast, Institute of Clinical Sciences
Department Name Centre for Public Health
City Belfast
Study/Database Website

Principal Investigator (PI) Professor Gerard Linden
Key Study References

Please see Literature section

Population Based Study? Yes
Family Based Study? No
Clinical based sample? Yes
Is there follow-up data available? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of dementia (may refer to controls only)? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of MCI (may refer to controls only)? Yes
How is data collected? In person and postal: A Baseline screening in the early nineties (1991-1993). A Rescreen between 2001-2004. 9 follow up postal questionnaires over the course of the cohort study.
Who carries out data collection? Interviewers and clinical staff: Clerical staff collect questionnaire data. Research nurses staff collected physical data.
Does this take place in participants' homes or at a central location? Home and central: Study included both home visits and hospital visits.
Do participants take part individually or are families/partners involved? Individually
Dementia cases ascertained as part of study: Yes
Diagnosis based on review of existing clinical data Yes
Was diagnosis/primary outcomes made blind to exposure variables? Yes
How many times followed up? Depends on funding which has been sought for different aspects of follow-up. To date principal focus has been on cardiovascular endpoints.Recent funding has focused on cognition.
Study start date 18/09/2017 00:00:00
Is study ongoing? Yes
Is study still recruiting? No
Inclusion criteria Representative sample of 50-60 year-old men living in Belfast area, Northern Ireland in early 1990's
Exclusion criteria None


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Study ID Y
Age Y
Sex Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Age Y
Age at time of diagnosis of dementia Y
Age at last follow-up Y
Age at time of death Y
Sex Y
Ethnicity Y
Years of education Y
Level of education Y
Employment Status Y
Socioeconomic status measures Y

Physical Health Status

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Cardiovascular disease data Y
Myocardial infarction Y
Medication use for CVD Y
Hypertension Y
Systolic/diastolic BP Y
Hypotension Y
Hypercholesterolemia Y
Cancer Y
Diabetic Status Y
Stroke data Y
Stroke type Y
Transient Ischemic Attack Y

Healthcare Utilisation

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Medication use Y
Medication use for CVD Y
Hospital Utilisation Y
Permanent Stay at Nursing Home Y
Informal ADL care Y
Informal iADL care Y


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Smoking Y
Pack years Y
Current smoking Y
Former smoking Y
Alcohol Y
Units per day/week vs weekend Y
Specified beverage type (wine, spirits, beers) Y
Abstainers/former users Y
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) Y
Binge drinking Y
Physical activity and exercise Y
Type of exercise: heavy, light Y
Exercise duration Y
Diet: Carbs, protein, fats, fish oil Y
Anti-oxidants Y
Vegetarian? Y
Food questionnaires Y

Physical Environment

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Living situation Y

Physical Examination

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Blood pressure Y
Weight Y
Height Y
Heart Rate Y
Respiratory Function Y
Blood Lipids Y

Biosample Assays

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
Plasma Y
Serum Y
Autopsy data Y

Digital Phenotyping

Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected


Sub-category Variable type Variables generally collected
CRP (c-reactive protein) Y
Lipids Y
Serum creatinine Y