Cohort Descriptives

Variable Response
Cohort Name Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (Children)
Cohort Acronym ALSPAC (Children)
Study Overview The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents & Children (ALSPAC) is a multi-generational, population-based prospective birth cohort study. The study was designed to understand the ways in which genetic and environmental factors interact to influence health, behaviour, and development across the lifespan and has followed the lives of over 14,500 people born in the early nineties and their family members, inlcuding their own offspring. The child cohort is based on the offspring from the pregnant women originally enrolled in the study with a boost in enrollment at a number of time points to capture offspring who were eligible but did not enrol in 1991/1992
#Subjects at Baseline 15,589 fetuses, resulting in 14,901 children alive at 1 year of age
Institution Name University of Bristol
Department Name Population health Sciences, Bristol Medical school
City Bristol
Study/Database Website

Principal Investigator (PI) Professor Nic Timpson
Key Study References

Population Based Study? Yes
Family Based Study? Yes
Clinical based sample? No
Is there follow-up data available? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of dementia (may refer to controls only)? Yes
Were participants included prior to development of MCI (may refer to controls only)? Yes
How is data collected? Questionnaire, face to face clinic, biological samples, linkage to administrative records
Who carries out data collection? study fieldworkers
Does this take place in participants' homes or at a central location? Central location
Do participants take part individually or are families/partners involved? Both
Dementia cases ascertained as part of study: No
Diagnosis based on review of existing clinical data N/A
Was diagnosis/primary outcomes made blind to exposure variables? N/A
How many times followed up? multiple
# Subjects at Follow-up response rates change over time
Study start date 1991
Study end date N/A
Is study ongoing? Yes
Is study still recruiting? Yes - 2nd generation
Inclusion criteria Original cohort: born of a mother resident in former Avon health authority, expected data of delivery between 1st April 1991 and 31st December 1992
Exclusion criteria